REGISTRATION 2025-2026 - choose your classes
Pre-pro entrance exam 9-23 years old - info


For pre-professionals from 8 to 18 years old and young people wishing to invest more time in dance without having professional goals, talented and wishing to acquire a high degree of technical and artistic mastery, PARIS MARAIS DANCE SCHOOL offers an intensive program adapted to the audition process.

For ages 14-18, before high school graduation

A special program for teenagers, with classes dance in the afternoons, enables them to continue their schooling in the mornings. Customized formulas are developed for each student, to make dance training compatible with the pursuit of academic studies. Depending on the student's progress in classes years, their individual programs are adapted several times a year to optimize their progress.

The school has established partnerships with international schools that prepare students for the Baccalaureate, IB (International Baccalaureate) and Dogwood, diplomas that allow access to universities. Applications are generally received in February and March.

Intensive program over 11 months, from September to July

All packages include classes (up to 12 classes of 1.5 hours per week), several Sunday workshops (improvisation, placement, etc.), autumn, winter, spring and summer workshops (from 5 to 15 classes per week) and, in particular, the intensive workshop Virtuosité summer workshop in July.
Further information is available in the workshop presentation brochures and on request.

Adapted timetable

For schoolchildren aged 8 to 18, special timetables are available with Parisian collèges and lycées, as long as schooling takes place in the morning.
For more advanced students aged 16 and over who need to attend some of our classes morning classes, the CNED distance learning formula may be a good option.

Class every day from September to the end of June, Monday to Friday

- 5 to 12 classes per week. classes take place in the afternoon.
- Classical: technique and pointes (12+), variations (14+), partnering (15+), repertoire.
- Contemporary (14+): Graham, Limon, Cunningham, release, improvisation
- Barre au sol (11+)

VIRTUOSITY WORKSHOPS fall, winter, spring, summer

Presentation of the courses

- Dominantly classical: Variations & Pas-de-deux: from Petipa and Balanchine, and variations according to your objectives.
- Dominantly contemporary: Contemporary repertoire & Choreographic laboratory (development of your own creation). Graham repertoire at intensive workshop .

Coaching & pedagogical follow-up

The students are followed in a concerted manner by the teachers. A technical and artistic evaluation is communicated to them each term. Intermediate objectives to be reached are defined jointly with each student according to entirely personalized schedules.

Annual show, at the theater

Every year, students take part in the annual show: The Nutcracker, The Rite of Spring, grand ballets from repertoire, neoclassical and contemporary creations.


Nathalie BOCHENEK (FR)

Nathalie BOCHENEK (FR)

  • classical ballet, pointes
  • repertoire
  • Classes
  • Teens
  • Pre-professionals



  • Graham Contemporary
  • Floor bar
  • repertoire contemporary
  • Adults
  • Teens
  • Pre-professionals

Tancredo TAVAREZ (DOM)

Tancredo TAVAREZ (DOM)

  • Graham Contemporary
  • repertoire Graham
  • Pre-professionals
  • Adults

Ghislain de COMPREIGNAC (FR)

Ghislain de COMPREIGNAC (FR)

  • Classic and Neo-classic
  • repertoire, Step-two
  • Children & Teens
  • Adults
  • Pre-professionals

Calendar of classes

Access to the professional course schedule is restricted. You must have the student password to access it

More information

December 1, 2024


April 28, 2024

Annual show - April 28, 2024

December 30, 2022

End of year shows intensive workshop