Paris Marais Dance School is a private, independent school that operates without public or private subsidies. Consequently, the school does not award grants or scholarships directly to students, nor is it eligible for public assistance.
Tuition covers the full 11-month course, including internships and workshops, as well as the ISIC international student card.
Tuition fees are adjusted according to the precise number of classes scheduled in each student's personalized timetable. In this way, the workload is adjusted to each student's abilities, and the price is adapted as closely as possible.
Initial training 14-18 years before the baccalaureate :
Undergraduate program :
Four-month short cycle:
It is advisable to set aside an additional budget for documentation (books, DVDs), shows (at least 1 per month recommended), therapeutic expenses (osteopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic ...), food supplements, dance clothes and slippers. The recommended budget is €200 per month for boys and €300 per month for girls (slippers from pointes).
Candidates are encouraged to approach sponsors likely to help train young artists.
As an indication, and without implying that Paris Marais Dance School is eligible or can accept them, we provide below a list of grants, subsidies and foundations likely to help you in your financing project. This list is not exhaustive, and we invite you to do your own research, according to your profile or nationality. Before enrolling, we invite you to ask Paris Marais Dance School if the school is eligible for the scholarships mentioned.