REGISTRATION 2025-2026 - choose your classes
Pre-pro entrance exam 9-23 years old - info


Talented pre-professionals aged 17 to 25 who wish to acquire a high degree of technical and artistic mastery, selected by audition, develop their ability to access all styles and collaborate effectively with top choreographers. The JUNIOR BALLET offers the experience of company life, with rehearsals every afternoon and at least one performance a month in a theater.

Undergraduate cycle

The upper cycle is reserved for talented young people aged 17 to 23 who want to train full time every day.

The 1st year of the Cycle Supérieur after the A Level (baccalauréat) is dedicated to technical and artistic reinforcement, with the 2nd year being the audition preparation year.
A preparatory year is available for candidates who do not yet have the required level to enter the 1st year.
A classical ballet major and a contemporary major offer students with different levels in the two disciplines the opportunity to benefit from teaching adapted to their level in both classical ballet and contemporary.

Junior ballet

In the 3rd year, students can join the Junior Ballet and study the repertoire classical ballet , neo-classical ballet and contemporary work of today's companies, giving them an introduction to real company life, with technical class in the mornings, study of repertoire classical ballet and contemporary work in the afternoons, creations with guest choreographers and performances throughout the year in theaters.

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PROGRAM over 11 months, from September to July

From September to the end of June, Monday to Friday:

- 18 to 25 classes of 1h30 per week.
- classical ballet : technique, pointe (every day), variations, partnering, repertoire.
- Contemporary : Graham, release, modern fusion, improvisation.

VIRTUOSITY WORKSHOPS fall, winter, spring, summer

Presentation of the courses

- Dominantly classical: Variations & Pas-de-deux: Petipa, Balanchine, Kylian, Béjart ..., and variations according to your objectives.
- Dominantly contemporary: Contemporary repertoire & Choreographic laboratory (development of your own creation). Graham repertoire at intensive workshop .


Workshops and conferences on physical and mental preparation for auditions, music, the history of dance, nutrition, the dancer's lifestyle, knowledge of dance companies in the world ...


The students are followed in a concerted manner by the teachers. A technical and artistic evaluation is communicated to them each term. Intermediate objectives to be reached are defined jointly with each student according to entirely personalized schedules.


Each year, students take part in at least ten shows, and one annual performance: The Nutcracker, The Rite of Spring, the grand ballet of repertoire, neoclassical and contemporary creations.

In a nutshell

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CANDIDATURE for entrance audition


Ghislain de COMPREIGNAC (FR)

Ghislain de COMPREIGNAC (FR)

  • Classic and Neo-classic
  • repertoire, Step-two
  • Children & Teens
  • Adults
  • Pre-professionals



  • Graham Contemporary
  • Floor bar
  • repertoire contemporary
  • Adults
  • Teens
  • Pre-professionals

Nathalie BOCHENEK (FR)

Nathalie BOCHENEK (FR)

  • classical ballet, pointes
  • repertoire
  • Classes
  • Teens
  • Pre-professionals

Tancredo TAVAREZ (DOM)

Tancredo TAVAREZ (DOM)

  • Graham Contemporary
  • repertoire Graham
  • Pre-professionals
  • Adults

Irene van ZEELAND (NL)

Irene van ZEELAND (NL)

  • Dance research
  • Contemporary Cunningham, Limon
  • Dance and video (Omaro Prod.)
  • Pre-professionals

Calendar of classes

Access to the professional course schedule is restricted. You must have the student password to access it

December 1, 2024


April 28, 2024

Annual show - April 28, 2024

December 30, 2022

End of year shows intensive workshop